BuzzFeed - The California attorney general is a rising national Democratic star. For now, though, Harris would rather talk about the evolution of Fourth Amendment law than D.C. political news. California Attorney General Kamala Harris Kimberly White / Getty Images for Vanity Fair WASHINGTON â California Attorney General Kamala Harris wants people to stop saying "revenge porn." The term â often used when an ex spreads nude photos or video after a breakup â totally gets it wrong, Harris says. She argues the word "revenge" suggests that someone is justified in sharing a consensual photo, and the word "porn" suggests the victim did something morally wrong. "We have unfortunately a history around criminal justice policy on crimes against women and children of â especially when it involves sex â blaming the victim, frankly," she told BuzzFeed News on Monday in a wide-ranging interview in the second-floor lounge at the Mayflower Hotel. This is something done with "the i